Web Platform for Out of Home (“OOH”) Media Users
Web Platform for Out of Home (“OOH”) Media Users


Advertising Marketplace (AMP) is revolutionizing the purchase and sale of Out of Home (OOH) media. In today’s world this media is purchased via a series of emails and phone calls and tracked with spreadsheets.

AMP built a web-based platform that would bring buyers and sellers together to transact in a much more efficient and effective way.

The platform is free to Sellers to list their inventory and buyers only pay once they book the advertising inventory for the duration they want. AMP takes a commission off of the sales and remits the remainder to the Seller.


People Tech created an initial software website for buyers, sellers and brokers of Out of Home (“OOH”) media where users could sign up in AMP website and buy or sell OOH Media.

Sellers list their static and dynamic billboards and OOH advertising locations and buyers can select from available inventory that meets their campaigns needs or submit an RFP seeking inventory that meets their campaign goals.

Stripe was used as the payment platform taking in the entire purchase price including AMP fees and remitting the remainder to the seller.

Once inventory started being loaded however it became clear that simple map based browse and listing of inventory wasn’t going to be enough for buyers to find exactly what they needed to meet their audience reach targets. They needed a more sophisticated search experience that allowed them to filter by media type, impressions delivered, and CPM. To power this sophisticated search we turned to Amazon ElasticSearch.


Using Amazon Elasticsearch buyers can now find and purchase advertising space that meets their goals much more efficiently and effectively than ever before. They can get instant responses to their RFPs and can stack multiple sellers, formats and dates in a single campaign. Sellers get exposure to more buyers and RFPs and can cast a wider net increasing their asset utilization and revenue. In addition, payment for the ad campaigns is more streamlined and efficient than ever before. What was purchased and at what cost is more transparent and available to buyers. Advertising Marketplace is transforming the way Out of Home advertising is bought and sold and Amazon ElasticSearch and Stripe help make that happen.

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